Helping Employees Australia Wide
Connect Legal has helped a multitude of clients over the years in relation to their employment and discrimination matters. Indeed we have secured the Federal Circuit Court's largest and most significant racial discrimination damages payout in the Ferguson matter and helped Sydney owner drivers receive significant backpay for their engagements under the NSW Contract of Carriage Determination. Lets not forget the incredible work for the Putlands from Wagga Wagga, in the Federal Court for sham contracting.
Connect Legal has also helped many employees and contractors in Australia’s major capital cities and throughout regional Australia. Which ever part of Australia you live in, Connect Legal can help you, travel close to you, and help you defend and safeguard your employment and discrimination rights.
Our work is also undertaken on a no win no fee basis and we practice in Australian Courts ad Tribunals. Please contact the Connect Legal team to discuss your employment and discrimination circumstances and experiences and distance is never a problem for the team.
- Age Discrimination & Your Rights
- Disability Discrimination & Your Rights
- Family & Parental Responsibility Discrimination
- Maternity Leave & Pregnancy Discrimination
- Racial Discrimination & Victimization
- Religious Discrimination & Tolerance
- Sexual Harassment & The Need to Speak Up
- Sex Discrimination & Equality Before Law
- Workers' Compensation & Discrimination
- Our Achievements and Court Judgments
- Helping Employees Australia Wide