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Helping Employees Australia Wide

30+ Years of combined Legal Experience & Knowledge In defending & safeguarding employees in relation to their employment, discrimination & workplace rights.

Defending Your Discrimination Rights!

The Connect Legal Team can help you defend yourself and stand up to all forms of workplace discrimination.


What our clients say.

I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone. I appreciate all of your time, effort and persistence with every detail that has been put in so far and what is yet to come. I am so truly grateful ...

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Hi Jake,
I write this to congratulate you on the excellence, and professionalism, of your staff - in particular, Evelyn and Richard.
From the outset Evelyn was indefatigable! She worked early, ...

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Dear Jake,
thank you so much for believing in me and representing me in this case. Words cannot express my gratitude to you in putting an end to this unpleasant and difficult time in my life. My ...

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'Hi Ani,
very well typed statement, I felt great after reading this. I strongly believe the outcome will be great!
Thank you for all you hard work putting the statement together, I love you ...

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Dear Richard,
Thank you for your response to my former employer's letter. I am very impressed by your reply.
I was a little worried before as I did not know how to answer a lot of their questions, ...

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Good Morning LS,

Thank you for your time on Good Friday, I appreciate your precious time and all of the assistance from the Connect team.

Thank you and Happy Easter to you and your ...

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I previously worked for an international organization, unfortunately I was discriminated against, harassed and was dismissed prior to my probation. I sought legal advice and eventually chose Connect Legal ...

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Hi Ani,
I finally have closure and only can thank you and the Team for supporting me. Yes, we could have gone further but with my role at work, I'm needed and would be difficult to take time off ...

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Dear Connect legal team,
I would just like to say a huge thank you to all of you, especially Richard, Jake, Sara and Tavishi, for all the hard work you have put in to my cases. This has been a very ...

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Hi Ani,
please be advised that the funds have been deposited in my account. Once again we would like to thank you for all the assistance and guidance throughout this unfair dilemma we had to go through. ...

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Hi Jake,
Congratulations, it’s been an exhausting time involved in this project, we’ve finally reached the finish line, an end of an error!! I’m satisfied they’ve finally met my requirements ...

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Thank you for everything you have done for me. It’s been a tough road emotionally and I’m finally starting to get to a place I can put it behind me.
Thank you for believing in me and having my ...

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Hi to the team at connect legal, I would like to thank the staff at connect legal who had an involvement with my case.
Thank you for believing in me, that meant a lot & for fighting for my human ...

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Dear Jake, Richard and Sara,
thank you for your efforts on my matter this year and getting a terrific outcome. We hope you have a great holiday period.
Regards WB

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Hi Jake,

Apologies for my late reply. I hope you had a great day in Brisbane today though the weather wasn’t very accomodating.

I really appreciate your passion in this matter. ...

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Hi Evelyn, Jake and Richard,
I just wanted to let you know the payment was received today in bank account, I am grateful for all your assistance and work that you all have done for me, and most importantly, ...

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Hi Ani,
I hope I find you well.
Thank you so much for lodging the claim with AHRC- you have no idea how happy I am to finally just get AHS to answer for all the injustice they did to me.
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Dear All,
I received the following email from AL,
"Thank you to both of you for all your hard work, you have both been amazing with sensitivity of the matter for me."
Credit goes to LS ...

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Jake, Richard and the Connect Legal team were great to work with.
They made the process as simple as possible. I found them to be understanding, realistic and professional.
They were passionate ...

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Dear Richard,
just wanted to say thank you, for looking after my matter and for your support during a very difficult phase. I hope 2019 is a great year for you too. Best Wishes AM

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Dear Connect Legal Team,
I just spoke to CB regarding his discrimination claim, who asked me to pass on special thanks to you for his statement. He is extremely happy with the work.

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Hey guys!
I just wanting to drop in and just say a quick thank you for all the help and guidance throughout this entire process with you guys. It was definitely one of the most difficult, draining ...

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Hi LM,
thank you for speaking with me today. I'm very grateful for the help and comfort I receive regarding my employment matter from you all. If there's anything else, I can do please let me know. ...

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Dear Ani,
thank you for your assistance with this issue (again). I also wanted you to know how much work and effort Evelyn has contributed and her continued support.
She has been incredible ...

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My experience with Ani at Connect Legal is she is knowledgeable, professional and understanding to the sensitive nature of my case.
I have always found Ani to be wonderful to talk to and she genuinely ...

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Hi guys, as this has settled I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your hard work and help over this time. I so appreciate all the kind words and of course all of your amazing knowledge. Thanks ...

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Dear All,
Thank you so much for your support and guidance along the year. It is you, who lit the light in my world, I truly believe your knowledge, expertise and persistence will lead me to reach ...

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Hi Tavishi, Jake, Ani and Richard,
thank you so much for you amazing support through this difficult time. I appreciate all your time dedicated to my case and am very happy with the outcome.
I ...

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Dear Jake & Richard, thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you and learn so much. I really appreciate the time I had there. All the best. NG

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Dear All,

Thank you so much for your support and guidance along the year. It is you, who lit the light in my world, I truly believe your knowledge, expertise and persistence will lead me to ...

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I highly recommend Jake and his team at Connect Legal.
Jake was extremely knowledgeable and guided me through every step of the way with my matter. He was very transparent with his fees and provided ...

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Jake and his team have been exceptional. It’s a small firm but they actually care about their clients.
Every interaction with them has been professional yet empathetic towards my situation.
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To the Connect Legal team, we just want to thank you for your dedication & mammoth efforts to bring closure to this case. It was long and winding road but we got there in the end. Big shout out to Ani ...

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"Jake's team is the best.
They deliver a great quality service. They were very professional, helpful, friendly and clear with their advice. They have integrity and are honest in every detail. They ...

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Wow there is a lot of work that goes into this you guys did amazing thank you. I’m hoping to see my discrimination matter through to the end.

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Had a great experience working with their team to receive an amazing outcome for my somewhat complicated case.
Their team were so supportive and professional to get the best result I could have expected. ...

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To Jake and Family, Thanks you very much for your exceptional legal work in relation to my legal work, case.
Excellent work Jake,
From JA

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Hi Richard,
Really, thanks for your support and professionalism. As I told you I moved to Australia with dreams and focused to fulfill them, because I am ethical and formed with values of respect ...

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Dear All,
I received a text message from MR telling me how his case is going in Court. He mentioned that Evelyn Rivera has been working with him and that 'she is lovely'.
He is very happy with ...

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So who would have got a copy of the claim? I bet the sparks are flying now. Thank you so much Ani and for being so patient with me... you are amazing.

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Hi Jake,
I write this to congratulate you on the excellence, and professionalism, of your staff - in particular, Evelyn and Richard.
From the outset Evelyn was indefatigable! She worked early, ...

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Hi Ani,
thank you for sending the confirmation. No questions for now, I’m sure you’ll update me when they have accepted it.
I do want to thank the whole team for your help, effort and more ...

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Thanks Evelyn, you are a sweet person. Honestly without you I couldn't made such a strong statement.

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Dear Jake, Richard & Sara,
you turned one of the darkest moments in my life, into the brightest memory. Here's to victory and may there be many yet.
With compliments and best wishes.

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Hello Ani and Jake,
Thanks for your email and kind consideration. The application lodgment looks fantastic and looking forward for a positive outcome.
Let me know if you need anything.
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Dear Richard, Jake and Connect Legal Team, Thank you so much for your extraordinary support through the year.
I sincerely wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Yours ...

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Jake, Richard and the Connect team have been so caring and understanding of my recent situation.
Highly recommend Connect Legal!

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Good Morning Jake
I just wanted to thank you and all the team at Connect Legal for the good job for a successful outcome of my recent case, yourself and Ani & Tavishi have all been so professional ...

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Thanks Ani and the entire team at Connect legal for all your help. Thanks again, I truly do appreciate all the hard work that’s been put into the case.
Kindest Regards, LG

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Thanks Jake for sending through the Statement of Service as agreed at the mediation of the above matter.
We are indeed very grateful to you and the Connect Legal team for your wonderful support and ...

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Please know how much this statement means to me. It is a strong statement of exactly how I feel; in a few places I had goosebumps and tears in my eyes, as it is touching how faithfully you have represented ...

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To Jake, thanks a million for all your help and assistance when I met you in your office in August 2019.
Regards and God Bless, WW

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Hi Jake,

It is nice to have you on my side today. I can feel the trust and bond between us. Thanks for being my solicitor. Please see attached WPI assessment from my lawyer's psychiatrist. I ...

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Thanks sooo much for your help over these months. You have been such a godsend XX. AB

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Hi Richard
Thank you but couldn't have done it without you Richard, Best wishes Kind Regards LL, Logan, Brisbane, October 2022

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Hi Jake, Richard and Evelyn,
Payment received. Thank you so much for your tireless work to ensure the best possible outcome on my behalf.
😊 Regards SJ, Haymarket October 2022

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Jake's team is the best.
They deliver a great quality service. They were very professional, helpful, friendly and clear with their advice. They have integrity and are honest in every detail.
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Hi All,
thank you for all the help in the past year especially Richard, Jake, Tavishi and the rest of the team you have there. Hope all of you have a safe and Merry Christmas and a very Happy New ...

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Dear Jake & Ani and Team,
"I really want to thank you so much for a job well done on this one. You navigated it so well to bring out the issues of discrimination which are hidden there.
Thank ...

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Hi Nairi,
thank you so much for all your hard work, time and effort in compiling the submission. I really appreciate you. After speaking with you, I feel a massive relief, confident and comfortable ...

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Never come across a professional team of lawyers who really care about you, I salute you for practicing law in an honest way.

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Dear Jake and the Connect Legal Team,
Thanks so much for helping me to defend my discrimination and workplace rights. I found your legal help invaluable, I get very comfortable with everyone, they ...

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I just wanted to, again, say thank you for helping me.
It has taken some time but I have decided to get into the legal field in Employment Law as a paralegal to help others. Ani, absolutely helped ...

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Hi Nairi,
thank you so much for all your hard work, time and effort in compiling the submission. I really appreciate you.
After speaking with you, I feel a massive relief, confident and comfortable ...

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Hi Jake thanks so much for your time this morning.  We are very grateful for your assistance and advice. Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful Easter.
Thanks Stephanie , Gladesville ...

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EXCELLENT work. Awesome work. Awesome intelligent woman,
Thanks Ani

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Hi Evelyn

The payment have been received.
Again, thank Connect Legal for the assistance in this matter


SL, Eastwood, February 2023

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Hi Jake,
thank You, Richard & the Team for your exceptional work. I will of course accept the financial settlement, but please wait until their deadline to let them know. I’m very grateful for ...

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Hi Ani,

Hi Ani, Dear Ani M, thank you so much for sending this through. And please pass on my gratitude to Jake. DR, Bondi,
October 2022

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Thank you so much I am so much glad that my case is in right hands.
Kind regards FH, Ipswich, QLD October 2022

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Hi Jake,

Thank you for your guidance and assistance with this.

I have checked my account and can confirm that I have also received payment.

Kind regards,
DT, April ...

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No-Win No-Fee Employment & Discrimination Lawyers

Energy, Teamwork & Defending One's Employment & Discrimination Rights

The Connect Legal Team can help you defend yourself and stand up to all forms of workplace discrimination.